Sobre mí


Soy Antonella

Hello! My name is Antonella Costa and I would love to be your photographer! I’ll do my best to make you feel gorgeous and comfortable.

My studio is located in Thousand Oaks, in a quiet beautiful area, where we can relax and have some fun taking pictures. I offer sessions in my studio and outdoors. For those outdoor sessions, I have in mind some beautiful secret spots, well thought for each need and type of session. Join me in your next session and we can decide which spot works best for you!

años de experiencia
0 A.
años de experiencia
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años de experiencia

Hello! My name is Antonella Costa and I would love to be your photographer! I’ll do my best to make you feel gorgeous and comfortable.

My studio is located in Thousand Oaks, in a quiet beautiful area, where we can relax and have some fun taking pictures. I offer sessions in my studio and outdoors. For those outdoor sessions, I have in mind some beautiful secret spots, well thought for each need and type of session. Join me in your next session and we can decide which spot works best for you!

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Con la gente



una fotografía es una página de la vida

01. Maternidad

02. Recien Nacidos

03. Bebes

04. Niños

05. Ver más paquetes


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