How do we work, before, during and after a photo session

3 de August de 2024



A photographer’s work involves several crucial stages: preparation before the shoot, the sesión itself and post-processing afterwards. Here’s a breakdown of what a we do at each phase:


Before the photo session 


1. Planning and consultation: 

After one of our families contact us for a new photo session, we agree on a date, time and place, and then we discuss expectations, desired style, the purpose of the photos (commercial, portrait, wedding, etc.) and logistical details. 

Afterwards we do a research on the subject, location and any special equipment needed. This can include site visits, studying trends and reviewing similar work, according to what our client wants.

2. Equipment preparation:

We choose the camera or the lenses we need for this photo session and accessories suitable for the session type. For example, a portrait session may require 50mm lenses, while landscape photography might need wide-angle lenses. We ensure all equipment is in good condition, including charged batteries, formatted memory cards, and all necessary accessories. 

3. Organization:

We create a script, a plan with ideas for poses, angles and compositions. If we need permits or authorizations (for the location or models), we get them. If we need an additional crew we confirm details with them, such as make up artists, stylists and assistants.


During the photo session 


The day arrives and we are so ready for our family!

1.Setting Up:

We adjust lighting, set up backgrounds and props and organize the space for an efficient workflow. For this, we need to conduct lighting tests to ensure proper exposure and white balance. If the photo sesión is outdoors, we still set the lighting if we need it, or props needed.

2. Direction and communication:

I always maintain clear communication with my clienet to ensure they feel comfortable and know what to expect. I even sing and play if necessary. Some little clients are tough crowd! (If we need to stop for some ice cream, we literally do!) I provide guidance on poses, facial expressions and postures for the best results. And most important, we have a lot of fun!

3. Technique and capture:

I am constantly adjusting the camera settings (ISO, aperture, shutter speed) according to lighting conditions and the desired style. I also aim for a good composition, I focus on the person (or little person) in front of me, and also in the surroundings and objects close by. I periodically review the photos to ensure quality and adjust settings as needed.

After the photo session 


1. Post-Processing:

We review the photos and select the best ones from the session. I do an innitial review, and send my clients the pictures, for them to choose the ones they love, sometimes they want more pictures than the amount they asked for before the photoshoot, and that is just fine!

After they have chosen, we use a software such as Adobe Lightroom or/and Photoshop to adjust exposure, color, contrast, some retouch and remove imperfections, so that they look even more beautiful!

2. Delivery:

We export photos in appropriate formats (JPEG, TIFF) and resolutions required by our client. Then we organize the photos into an online gallery or prepare a digital delivery folder. Finally, we send the invitation to our clients, for them to downloead the photos in high resolution.


After our client gets the photos, we ask some feedback, about their satisfaction with the photos and the process. Hoping they loved the pictures and the day of the photo session! Afterwards, we mantain contact with them, for any other service they need, in holidays or new events in the family. A new space is created in my heart for them, and I keep them there!

These stages ensure that me, the photographer, don’t just capture high-quality images but also provide a profesional, personalized and satisfying experience for my client, from planning through to final delivery, making sure we have fun all the way!

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